The Variables view is shown in the Test Debugging Perspective. It shows the test script's variables, which may include AUT objects, and their values.
The Variables view
If the value of an object is shown as <complex object>
, you can usually expand it to see the name, type, and value of each of its components. The view is kept up to date as you step through the program, so you can watch variables come into existence, watch their values change, and finally watch them disappear when they go out of scope.
Click the Show Type Names ( ), Show Logical Structure (
), and Collapse All (
) buttons to determine how to display data. The View Menu (
) button provides menu options for controlling the layout of the view. In addition, it contains scripting language specific options.
Right-click the view to open a context menu, where you can use the Select All action (Ctrl+A) to select all the view contents and the Copy Variables action (Ctrl+C) to copy a variable's name, type, and value—or its name, type and components' names, types, and values—to the clipboard. Select the Find action (Ctrl+F) to search variables by their names.
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